Brave New World
Brave New World
"Brave New World" is Aldous Huxley's dystopian masterpiece, offering a chilling glimpse into a future society controlled by technology, consumerism, and a rigid caste system. Set in a world where happiness is manufactured and individuality suppressed, the novel follows the journey of Bernard Marx and John the Savage as they grapple with the consequences of a society devoid of genuine emotion and human connection.
Huxley's prophetic vision explores themes of freedom, conformity, and the consequences of a society obsessed with pleasure and efficiency. As readers navigate through this hauntingly plausible future, they are forced to confront the moral and ethical dilemmas that arise when humanity's most fundamental values are sacrificed in the pursuit of stability and control.
Autor: Aldous Huxley
Tipo: Paperback
Idioma: Inglés